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CSEAgency, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I receive NYS Department of Education services?
If you suspect your child at risk of having a developmental disability, you must first make a referral to your district's special education department. You would then explain your concern and provide paperwork to begin the evaluation process. A list of state approved agencies would then be provided so that you may choose from and begin the evaluation process. Once the evaluation is complete, the evaluator will provide feedback of their impression of the child's strengths and weaknesses. Eligibility is then determined at a scheduled CSE meeting. This meeting is then coordinated so that the "team" may discuss concerns and eligibility of the child. If the child is eligible for services the approval of duration and frequency is established. These team members include the family, CSE chairperson, regular education teacher, service provider, evaluator, special education teacher,parent member, and county representative.
Q: What is S.E.T.S.S.?
In 2008, the New York City Department of Education received an innovative program waiver from the State Education Department to combine Consultant Teacher Services and Resource Room into a single
hybrid service known as Special
Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS).
These services are designed to be flexible, helping students to remain in the general education classroom and use the combined expertise of both the general and special education teacher. They may be provided within the general education classroom or in a separate location.
SETSS teachers provide legally mandated services for students with disabilities that are necessary to support their progress in schools. It is essential that providers adhere to their program. SETSS providers should not be used in other capacities (e.g., class coverage) or assigned to other duties in the school that prevent the provision of mandated services that are in accordance with students’ IEPs except in extraordinary circumstances.
Special Education Teacher Support
Services may be all direct, or
a combination of direct and indirect. The student's IEP must indicate the amount of time that the student will receive Special Education Teacher Support Services, the distribution of the time between
direct and indirect services, and the location of services (i.e.
the general education classroom or a separate location). When recommending
services in the general education classroom, the IEP must indicate the general
education classes or subject areas in which the student will receive services.